25 septembrie, 2012

Germania a inventat energia cu care va stapani Planeta

0% petrol, 0% energie electrica. Noul tip de energie poate fi usor considerat cea mai mare descoperire din istoria moderna. Audi chiar are in momentul de fata cheia viitorului.
Audi a gasit variante sintetice pentru benzina si motorina. Mai mult, dioxidul de carbon (CO2) risipit in atmosfera ar putea fi folosit pentru crearea acestui tip de energie.
Ca sa obtina materialul minune, nemtii folosesc niste tuburi inalte de 100 de metri pe care le umplu cu apa si culturi din asa-numita bacterie “cyano” modificata genetic.
Prin expunerea compusului la soare si in mediu cu dioxid de carbon, rezulta e-etanol (benzina sintetica) sau e-diesel (motorina sintetica).
Audi a spus ca emisiile de noxe sunt similare unui motor electric, adica “0”. In 2014, nemtii deschid prima fabrica pentru productia celor doua tipuri de combustibili sintetici.

The problem is very familiar: the combustion of conventional fuels based on petroleum releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Current ethanol and diesel from renewable raw materials such as corn and rapeseed, generally achieve a better environmental balance, because the plants previously absorbed the CO2 that is released in combustion. But these fuel sources require costly processing and compete with food agriculture. Over the long term, they cannot be a solution in a world witnessing steady population growth.
A radically new solution is needed to produce fuels for future CO2-neutral mobility where the „feedstock‟ for the fuel is entirely renewable. Audi is developing such a solution in a partnership with Joule, a US-based company producing fuels in a patented process that involves special microorganisms in a highly-scalable modular system.
The process is relatively simple: use the energy from the sun to convert CO2 and non-potable water into liquid fuels. At the heart of this process are photosynthetic microorganisms (each one of around three thousandths of a millimetre in diameter). However, instead of using photosynthesis to grow more cells, the microorganisms continuously produce fuel. The inputs for this process are sunlight; industrial waste CO2 from sources such as industrial plants and brackish or sea water. Critically, there is no need for agricultural land or fresh water.
The special microorganisms have been engineered to directly produce ethanol and diesel- range paraffinic alkanes -- important components of diesel fuel -- directly from the carbon dioxide. The fuel is secreted by these organisms, which is then separated from the water media and concentrated. No further manufacturing steps are required.
This technology makes Audi e-diesel and Audi e-ethanol come to life. For example, the e-ethanol project delivers a product with the same chemical properties as the bioethanol that is already established on the market, with the decisive advantage that it is produced without biomass. It will be used as a blend with fossil-fuel gasoline at percentages up to 85% in the case of vehicles able to use E85 fuel.

Along with the development of the Audi e-ethanol project, Audi is also working with Joule to produce a sustainable diesel fuel to support the Audi e-diesel project. A great strength of this product is its purity. In contrast to petroleum-based diesel, which is a mixture of a wide variety of organic compounds, this „drop-in‟ fuel is free of sulfur and aromatics. Moreover, thanks to its high cetane number, a high-performance parameter, the fuel is very easy to ignite and its chemical composition permits unlimited blending with fossil-fuel diesel.
Audi e-diesel will result in a fuel that works seamlessly with existing Audi TDI clean diesel systems, posing no additional automotive engineering challenges.
Audi and Joule have commissioned a demonstration facility in the US state of New Mexico -- in an unfertile region with a high level of annual sunlight. The facility is soon to begin operations with the production of sustainable ethanol. The productivity rates have shown decisive advantages over bioethanol. In addition, regions that are unsuitable for agriculture, e.g. desert regions, could be utilized for energy production.
The partnership between Audi and Joule has been in place since 2011. Joule has protected its technology with patents for which the brand with the four rings has acquired exclusive rights in the automotive field. Collaborative work includes technical support as well. Audi engineers with extensive know-how in the area of fuel and engine tests are helping to develop marketable fuels.
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